
Compilers #

Resources #


  • 2019 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: A. Warzynski “Writing an LLVM Pass: 101”: [YouTube]
  • Writing LLVM passes
    • Out-of-tree LLVM passes in Rust: [GitHub]
    • A collection of out-of-tree LLVM passes for teaching and learning: [GitHub]
  • Learn LLVM 12: [GitHub]
  • Kaleidoscope: Implementing a language with LLVM: [C++] [Rust]
  • inkwell: It’s a new kind of wrapper for exposing LLVM safely

Tools #

  • Godbolt: Compiler explorer [Link]
  • Dogbolt: Dogbolt is an interactive online decompiler which shows equivalent C-like output of decompiled programs from many popular decompilers. It’s meant to be the reverse of the amazing Compiler Explorer [Link]
  • Collaboratively decompile code in your browser: [Link]