Computer Architecture and Hardware

Computer Architecture and Hardware #

Computer Architecture #

  • cpu-internals: Intel / AMD CPU Internals [GitHub]
  • Digital Design and Computer Architecture by Onur Mutlu @ ETH Zurich: Onur Mutlu’s livestream lecture videos from the freshman-level Digital Design and Computer Architecture course taught at ETH Zürich in Spring 2021 [YouTube] [Course page]
  • nand2tetris: Building a Modern Computer From First Principles [Link]
  • Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) resources
    • Build your own FPGA: [Link]
    • FPGA architecture overview: [Link]

Trusted Computing #

  • Introduction To Trusted Computing by Ariel Segall@OpenSecurityTraining: [YouTube] [Homepage]
  • DRM internals: How Netflix/Amazon DRM ACTUALLY works [Reddit]

Device drivers #

Tools #

Libraries #

  • winapi-kmd-rs: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers written in Rust
  • kmd-env-rs: Rust environment for the Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers
  • pawn: Extract BIOS firmware from Intel-based workstations and laptops